Total Brand
Visibility &
A 360° view of the promotional and communications footprint of your brand compared with your competition!
To provide this, we comb through traditional and digital media, categorize advertising spots, and assess editorials from a quantitative and qualitative standpoint.
Total Brand Visibility & Content
Total Brand Visibility & Content allows Media Focus to take account of the paradigm shift taking place in marketing and communications and give branding, marketing and communications professionals a unique instrument for data-based strategic decision-making.
Total Brand Visibility & Content helps you to carry out cross-channel and cross-disciplinary communication controlling and optimize the performance of your brand in comparison with the competition and the industry as a whole.
Why Total Brand Visibility & Content?
Marketing and communications are becoming ever more integrated as a consequence of growing digitalization and changing media usage patterns. These fields now often use the same channels. Areas of responsibility are becoming blurred, and target groups and strategies are overlapping.
Total Brand Visibility takes account of this development and, by combining data about advertising and media presence, offers a unique and holistic view of the communications strategies of companies and brands.
Total Brand Content helps you to recognize discrepancies between your own perception of your brand and that of others and identify topic areas that present opportunities and risks in relation to visibility.
You will receive all your results in a comprehensive and annotated report with clear visualizations and a level of detail that is fitting for you and your brand.
Total Brand Visibility & Content offers you:
- Unique integrated data perspectives.
- Comprehensive benchmarks and market pictures.
- Comparison between your own perception of your brand and the perception of others.
- Identification of visibility triggers and risks.
- Identification of opinion leaders.
- Relevant common KPIs for marketing and communications.